I think many people, are missing the Big View: Agenda 2030 looms out there, and events must fall into order, to bring 2030 about. The Dems, and the Reps are working together, playing off one-another (Good Cop-Bad Cop), in order to achieve a one world oligarchy, and subjugate all people.

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Solid show, as usual.

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Woohoo! It's the Mr Jax and Ms Rachel show! Thank you all for another great show Ms Rachel.✌️

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Thanks for having Patrick Heningsen on Rachel

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Thanks for your great work Rachel!

We've shared the link on our daily report.

A Skeptic War Reports


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Excellent guest. Henningsen Is knowledgable, smart and very attune to the political world view. And Rachel is my favorite JOURNALIST

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is that a comedy skit? you mean don old is the only one that can "provoke" russia?

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wasa cia coup

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The EU seems to follow NATO that wants war with Russia, while Trump seems to aim for divide between Russia and China.

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Finally real honest leadership

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