Thank you Ms Rachel

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Rachel’s understanding in international politics are light years ahead of Trump’s.

Trump needs to subscribe to her channels on YouTube and on Substack My favorite JOURNALIST doing what she does best

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Thank you!!

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Awwwww, so cute! I want a dog.... 😃

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Great interview Rachel, Mark is always a great guest. Trumps words about what he believes the about the conflict. Are so wrong & out of touch with reality. It has to be done on purpose. No way could a world leader be so ill informed about a conflict their country is actively involved in. He is in for a rude awakening when he finds out the facts.

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America is a zionist oligarchy. This is the same political and economic system America wanted to impose on Russia after the Soviet dissolution. That's why Trump is out to destroy Russia.

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Ukrainian Nazis are killing civilians in Kursk — more and more reports…

Horror !!

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Trump will look and feel incredibly foolish when or if he sits down with Putin to “negotiate” and Putin lays down the law and that there will be no “negotiations”.

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Trump only knows what he’s told by his “advisors”, whom are all “neocon” Russophobic maniacs and are still pushing the “Plucky Ukrainians only need one more multi billion dollar weapons aid” line as churned out by the NYT & other CIA mouthpieces. This doesn’t excuse Trump though, it’s not difficult to find out the facts.

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The Entrance of the Gladiators?

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i hope you weren't being willfully dishonest in sensationalizing the tithe of your video today

Trump did not do any of that and you act like him talking on one day is the as tomorrow. Always wait 2 weeks.

here is what I quickly wrote after checking your own sources


"She lied about Trump addressing any Russian numbers.

Trump only mentioned 700,000 Ukrainian, which they got mad so accurate I guess.

But she was still purposely misleading.

he the pulls Alpha Man on Putin

"hey bro that usually takes a week to do u really still there, I said Zelenskyy make a deal and he said you wouldn't, you really gonna keep coming so slowly group?"

it's like women and unperceptive men cannot understand what it's like for two leaders to be this way

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Trump can rattle sabers all he wants, as long as he ends the Democrat’s illegal war, stops the persecution of the true Ukrainian Church, stops the money laundering operation and shuts down the secret labs. All the rhetoric he wants to spew will mean diddly-squat if he doesn’t end the sanctions, end Zelensky, and give Russia the eastern territories it won back.

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It's a shit show but at least it's entertaining 🤷‍♀️

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As far as I can tell, everything that you’ve said in this interview is true.

It points to the fact that the US’s foreign policy since the end of World War II has not been good. This poor foreign policy has weakened the US relative to everyone else on the planet and it’s made the planet more unstable and more dangerous.

You might be interested in taking my free “course” which serves to not only zoom out and look at earth from afar but also to analyze the root (or roots) of all of the problems we’re facing as a species. It’s apparent to me that there are a lot of people who are good at talking about the effects of the mistakes we’re making but fewer analyze the root of the problems and even fewer yet come up with viable solutions. That’s what my course does.

If you’d like to interview me I’d be glad to participate in your program.

You’re doing a great job!

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Why did you refer to your puppy as "they"? Surely you know whether your puppy is a he or a she.

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He is a he!

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If only Starmer had the BALLS to tell Trump Musk Bezos Zuckerberg and the rest of the Deluded Insane Fu*kers ruling America to GO FU*K Themselves and put a request in to Vladimir Putin to join BRICS and see how these Arrogant Bastards like them Apples, We don't need America the only Wars they have won without Britain is the War of Independence and the Mexican War all the other Illegal wars they've caused by lying about leaders of other countries and Communism they have had their Arses booted they couldn't even invade Cuba or that other Tiny Island Nation whose name escapes me Trump is a blowhard bully boy not because he is hard but because he has more money on paper than sense but MONEY IS POWER AND MONEY IS WHAT RULES AMERICA Neither Russia China Vietnam North Korea cause me sleepless nights But the Billionaires In charge of the Whitehouse Fu*king Terrifies ME!!!!!!

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These are the same wise men who advised Biden. They are now advising Trump. This is very remenicent of William Strange MnNamara and the original “whiz kids” of the 1960’s, who were responsible for the war in Vietnam.I remember it well because I spent 18 months there as a Navy Corpsman with the 3rd Marine Medical Battalion at Dong Ha in Quang Tri Provence.

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