Hope you had a wonderful Valentines Day Rachel.

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Trump's name was on multiple passenger manifests from Epstein's jet. I've seen a few articles claiming Epstein was a Mossad asset; Maxwell's father was documented Mossad. I've also seen some speculation that Epstein's island was a honeypot, a Mossad op to acquire dirt on elites, for Mossad/Israel to use as political leverage when needed. Some of the evidence is circumstantial, but the cases are quite compelling nonetheless.

Connect the dots, could that be why Trump is Netanyahu's bitch? That Trump raped underaged girls while he was on the island is a natural assumption, what if Bibi has pictures and DNA evidence? What wouldn't Trump do to stay out of prison?

When Trump announced his plan, didn't he seem detached? His details were absolutely detached from reality, if the Palestinians left Palestine they would be refugees sent to camps -- refugee camps are not nice places, ever, nobody at one is happy! In 2016 I saw a documentary about Syrian refugees called "Salem Neighbor" it was heartbreaking. Some of the scenes about kids left me in tears.

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If Israel is committing genocide, what is it when Muslims slaughter Christians and Jews in the middle East and Africa?

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So that makes Israel's actions acceptable? Muslims have had to put up with MORE than their share of attacks by pro-Israel forces over the years. When you are GIVEN a nation, and that nation (Palestine) reacts in a perfectly expected manner to being violated, "terrorism" is to be expected. But the fact remains that Israel itself used REAL terrorism to cleanse Palestine of Palestinians!

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You didn't answer my question, so don't expect me to answer yours.

What is the proper term for Muslims slaughtering Christians and Jews in the Middle East and Africa?

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