Abolish USAID? I don't believe it, not for one second! They may, perhaps, rename it, relocate it, disguise it but abolish it? It's probably the most successful arm of US imperialism.

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The latest from Al Mayadeen:

CNN reported, citing a copy of an email, that employees of the Washington headquarters of the US Agency for International Development (USAID) received an email from management stating that the office would be closed on Monday and that they should not come in.

As quoted by CNN, the email read "At the direction of Agency leadership, the USAID headquarters at the Ronald Reagan building in Washington, D.C. will be closed to Agency personnel on Monday, February 3, 2025. Agency personnel normally assigned to work at USAID headquarters will work remotely tomorrow, with the exception of personnel with essential on-site and building maintenance functions individually contacted by senior leadership."

Fox News, citing sources, reported that signage had been removed from USAID’s headquarters, coinciding with Elon Musk’s pledge to dismantle the agency.

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I think they're going to transfer it to the State Department.

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Makes sense

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Every great leadr needs his own secret police. Trumps looking for a deal on spies by making large numbers of them unemployed. Art of the deal!

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It's all deception, and the American public is the target of that deception. Our leaders are con-artists, and the American public is the gullible mark who is being taken to the cleaners.

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Spot on Rachel!

USAID is now directly under US Secretary of State Marco Rubio who spent years as part of the USAID/NED regime change complex advancing US aggression and political capture abroad.

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Thanks for your great work!

We've shared the link on our daily report.

A Skeptic War Reports


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An extraordinary video – a MUST watch (Chase Gaiser & Ian Carroll)


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Can you make the link so it can be copied and pasted, please? When I try to do so it collapses the comment.

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Thanks for the welcome respite from from TMWS (Trump Musk Worship Syndrome).

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What I've been wondering about is how these Paw Rugg type Hillbillies such as Mitch McConnell end up in Jed Clampett style homes?

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Can't say that I am a fan of Rubio but I like that he's taking charge of the agency he is responsible for.

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