Trump was complicit with what was happening in the Donbass from 2016-2020.

He did nothing to stop it then, why?

Now he's using Ukraine as another tool to make himself out to be some kind of hero.

Seriously, Trump is still the same POS, he was in first stint in the office.

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Thank you Rachael. Perhaps if the U.S. wants to shut Zelensky up, get out of Ukraine, and shut the EU up, Trump could release the Russian funds that Biden illegally seized and go forward with negotiations on resources and the Nordstream pipeline with President Putin?

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Great analysis, Rachel. You lay out the most rational likely outcomes as of this point. Yet surprises could come our way.

If Trump can end this war, and re-establish relations at some basic level wit Russia, he will have taken an historic step to unwind the dark forces that Clinton seeded, Obama watered carefully, and Biden carefully nurtured to a poisonous flower.

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Rachel, you are one of my go to’s. Nicely done. You didn’t mention that Zelensky met with a group of dem and rino senators prior to meeting with

Trump. Allegedly they encouraged him to “stand strong against Trump”. There should be hell to pay. And this is one of the reasons I do not think this was a staged event.

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Thank Rachael. Could Russia and China bring BRICS to bear on U.S. aggression?

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A dialogue which discusses, among many things, how "Populism" is the new word for "Democracy".

"Populism" is the government, "Of the Majority, by the Majority, for the Majority".

While "Democracy" (Liberal Democracy) now means the "Rule Of Law" which protects those who are deemed to need support from the Ruling Class.


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ZioDon is sick of the USA doing all the heavy lifting. He’s folding his hand in Ukraine and sending it up Europe s behind for campaigning against him.

He views Russia as an asset in trade.

He’s throwing gas on the fire in Pissreal to finally get the neighbors to smack down satanyahoo. Hence the AI video and the BUY Gaza B.S.

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Not even any "alternative" media sources or audiences ever mention Ukraine's top April 2022 peace negotiator Alexander CHALY who confirmed the success of that early peace-deal - as lonesomely reported for instance by NPR(link below). Here are some key quotes:

"Alexander Chaly, another key Ukrainian negotiator and former First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, said by April, peace was all but certain." and this from Chaly himself:

"ALEXANDER CHALY: We negotiate with Russian delegation practically two months, in March and April the possible peaceful settlement agreement … between Ukraine and Russia. And we, as you remember, concluded so called Istanbul communique. And we were very close in the middle of April, in the end of April to finalize our war with some peaceful settlement. For some reasons it was postponed."

Yeah - "for some reasons" - as in: blocked by the US with Boris Bojo Johnson serving as its fawning blood-soaked messenger-boy.

Trump et al should obviously get Chaly involved in peace talks - although they too like almost all alternative and mainstream media sources/followers have also probably never even heard of him. Alexander who?

From: https://www.nprillinois.org/2024-05-06/the-story-behind-2022s-secret-ukraine-russia-peace-negotiations

(Paul G)

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Pausing / Postponing not stopping. Only when Trump et al identically threaten and shut down and cut off Satanyahu and Zionist-infested Israel will we consistent full-spectrum truth-tellers and justice + solution-seekers begin to be impressed...

(Paul G)

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Rachel, I think you nailed it!

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Kk, Trump wants cheap Russian oil and gas. One, it will lower energy prices and ease inflation and two, the US can charge Europe even more for LNG they import from the US. Trump is first and foremost a business man.

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My favorite JOURNALIST brings great insight into international politics

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Enough is enough

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Yep. Note that's 'military aid'. Not 'aid'. The govt of Kiev Ukraine is still wholly supported by the usa, I'm told. Meaning its whole public service. Every govt Dept. Police, press gangs, public services, everything.

Cut that aid and everything stops.

Immediately. Simply say you are going to do it and they would lynch zelensky rather than continue the war on Russia.

But Trump doesn't say that.

And there's the measure of intent and probity.

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