U.S. Warns of Election Interference From Russia, China, Iran... Ignores Israel w/ Clint Russell
Russiagate 3.0 is officially here, and with just two months left until Election Day, the U.S. Gov't is specifically targeting Russia and Russian media funding with a new set of sanctions and indictments.
Clint Russell, Host of the Liberty Lockdown Podcast, noted it's no coincidence that multiple content creators who have been critical of U.S. support for Ukraine in a proxy war against Russia, are now being accused of only voicing dissent to the narrative because of allegations of Russian funding.
Follow Clint Russell on X and check out the Liberty Lockdown Podcast on YouTube
A truly superb conversation between a couple of our best public intellectuals, John Mearsheimer and Jeffrey Sachs. Both are well known and respected not only here but globally. Just watch the beginning intro by Lex Fridman and you’ll be hooked on watching it all. Same with Glenn Greenwald who has an excellent video below about Victoria Nuland, one of the many dreadful creatures in our ruling class. These three are examples of the fact that we have the best quality people by far on our side which is our greatest advantage against the democrats and their media. Save these and share with others.
“John Mearsheimer and Jeffry Sachs. All-In Summit 2024.” (54 min)
All-In Podcast. Sept 16, 2024
“Neocon Queen Victoria Nuland Admits Not Wanting To End Ukraine War Diplomatically.” (9 min)
Glenn Greenwald. Sept 14, 2024
The TENET Media “sting” looks like an attempt at an “October Surprise” to swing the election, but they figured out there wasn’t anything there so the launched it in September - and *early* Sept at that. I hear the indictment was sealed until now 🤔