I think that Laith is spot on. This will be the final battle of the empire to keep hegemony in the world, but they have already lost that hegemony. Now they will retaliate against countries all over the world because of hate and lack of knowledge on how to interact with other countries as an equal entity. No longer able to control and subjugate other countries to their western dictate, they will have to find their place just as the British empire and other empires that collapsed.

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It is a US genocide in Gaza !!

Sep 23 -- "Israel Is A Crazy State:" Prof. Norman Finkelstein on Israel's Destruction of Gaza and War Goals - https://rumble.com/v5g6zvd-gaza-is-gone-prof.-norman-finkelstein-on-israels-destruction-and-war-goals.html?e9s=src_v1_ucp

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The Pentagon has apparently taken control of strategic decision making. Biden is no longer in charge. Thankfully for the world, the Pentagon has shelved any plans to provide Ukraine with long range missiles which could be launched against Russia.

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Rachel, thank you for this stunning and consequential interview with Laith Marouf, equally informative and depressing as it reveals the progress that the ZioNazi state is making in its desperate efforts to drag the region and the world into a global conflagration - efforts largely sparked by the cowardly and depraved self-interest of the murderous and bloodthirsty criminal Benjamin Naziyahoo as he strives to maintain power in his co-opted nation and escape the judgement and justice which his massive corruption rightly deserves. The amerikkkan empire is now finally revealed for its fatal arrogance, mindless greed, and suicidal depravity as it continues to pursue its insane policies of "dominate the world at all costs without concern for humanity," - such ghoulish evil is unprecedented in the history of the planet and will result in our demise.

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And how many people have been killed or injured in Hezbollah attacks? Because if there is no one, then they might be playing together against the Lebanese population...

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Because don't you find it suspicious that there are only as many Jewish victims as were shot by the Jews on October 7? And even the hostages who were allegedly released by HAMAS were shot by the Jews. Could it be that they were not held by HAMAS? And did they have to die to avoid being told that their own people had taken them hostage? Isn't it suspicious that when Israel fires rockets at Gaza, Lebanon, Iran, Syria, etc., there are always dead among them? But rockets are fired at Israel so no one gets hurt? ! And the Arab countries are also great friends of Israel, none of them will do anything to stop them... Maybe I'm the stupid one, but maybe you're watching a different movie....

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